Three Following challenges for architecture and urbanism have been omnipresent in 2023:
Responsibility: The need to inhabit the planet in ways responsible to the natural ecosystem, global climate and humanity.
Sustainability: Creating a mind-shift from comfortably-traditional to innovatively-sustainable
Adaptability: The emergence of global crises that rapidly require revamping of the environments we are creating for work, education, commercial and social life.
A large IT company is establishing its Headquarter Campus on a former military hospital ground at the gateway between the city and the natural reserve around Kamzik mountain.
The campus will house more than 1000 employees together with a mix of residential, commercial, event and sport programs.
The ambition to create one of most innovative and sustainable campuses is envisioned to bring benefits not just its occupants but also wider public.
Half the program is a real physical project, dealing with the challenges of connection between the site and adjacent recreational area with the city and wider context.
In this respect it will be necessary to re-visit they current amenities and functions within the area and suggest solutions for enabling creation of world class recreational gateway.
The other half would contemplate an ideal connection scenario within the realm of alternative reality.
Students are to imagine that cars have never been invented and people have never experienced a need for this mode of transport.
The task would be to explore possibilities and impacts on local urbanism and how those learnings could be implemented into the real world.
Bc. Tomáš Rausz
6th year
Bc. Gregor Hraška
6th year
Bc. Daniel Aleksandar
6th year
Bc. Vanessa Šútovská
6th year
Bc. Ján Cholvadt
6th year
Bc. Veronika Adamčíková
5th year