1. Urban Development and Transformation, Landscape Development
2. Ecological Building
3. Building in Existing Structures
Zúčastniť sa môžu študenti bakalárskeho aj magisterského štúdia a
študenti pracujúci na dizertačnej práci. Súťažný projekt musí byť
súčasťou práce vypracovanej pod odborným dohľadom v období letný
semester 2009/2010, akademický rok 2010/2011 alebo v zimnom
semestri 2011/2012. Leták nájdete tu...
Blue Award 2012
International Student Award. Topic: Sustainability
Start of Submission: October 1st, 2011
Submission Deadline: February 1st, 2012
Registration: www.blueaward.at
Start of Submission: October 1st, 2011
Submission Deadline: February 1st, 2012
Registration: www.blueaward.at
Department for Spatial and Sustainable Design, Vienna University of
Technology organizes together with the Society of Architecture and
Spatial Design biannually the BLUE AWARD, an international student competition for sustainable architecture.
The competition is open to university students of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programs, as well as students working on a diploma thesis or dissertation, in the academic fields of architecture, urbanism or regional planning. The submitted project must be part of a supervised coursework, having taken place during one of the following semesters: Summer Semester 2010, Winter Semester 2010/11, Summer Semester 2011 and Winter Semester 2011/12.
The competition awards projects addressing the topic of sustainability. The economical, cultural and social dimensions of sustainable development should be equal in significance to the classical problems of technique and function.
The Blue Award 2012 will be handed out in three categories.
Category 1 - Urban Development and Transformation, Landscape Development
Category 2 - Ecological Building
Category 3 - Building in Existing Structures
The British architect Sir Michael Hopkins will be Honorary President of the jury.
Awards Ceremony and Exhibition Opening will take place on April 26, 2012 at the TU Vienna.
Catalog: the prize winners will be published.
office2533@raumgestaltung. tuwien.ac.at
The competition is open to university students of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programs, as well as students working on a diploma thesis or dissertation, in the academic fields of architecture, urbanism or regional planning. The submitted project must be part of a supervised coursework, having taken place during one of the following semesters: Summer Semester 2010, Winter Semester 2010/11, Summer Semester 2011 and Winter Semester 2011/12.
The competition awards projects addressing the topic of sustainability. The economical, cultural and social dimensions of sustainable development should be equal in significance to the classical problems of technique and function.
The Blue Award 2012 will be handed out in three categories.
Category 1 - Urban Development and Transformation, Landscape Development
Category 2 - Ecological Building
Category 3 - Building in Existing Structures
The British architect Sir Michael Hopkins will be Honorary President of the jury.
Awards Ceremony and Exhibition Opening will take place on April 26, 2012 at the TU Vienna.
Catalog: the prize winners will be published.