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What to expect in our Green Design Studio
(Pifko /Macháčová /Krajcsovics)?
In our design studio a:za we focus on sustainability, quality of the indoor environment, ease of operation and adaptability - the most current topics of the contemporary architecture. Our approach is methodological, not typological, combining the quality of the architectural concept with the environment-friendly design. The optimization of designs in terms of the concept of "green", "blue" or "smart" buildings is our goal. Professors in the Studio: Henrich Pifko (, AA SKA), Klára Macháčová, and Lorant Krajcsovics. If it is possible, we work together (students as well as teachers), and we try to keep together Slovak and English-speaking students too, supporting exchange of ideas, experience, approaches. If it is necessary, we are able to work online really efficiently, using interactive Zoom tool.
You can see results of such work in our Gallery. List of our English-speaking students is in the end of this page (if you want a reference, you can contact them), current studio assignment is bellow...
Current design task (summer term 2024/25):
Chimilin & Les Grands Ateliers
(Saint-Gobain Architecture Student Contest 2025).
For the 20th edition, the Contest Task covers to sites: Chimilin for the renovation, and Les Grands Ateliers for the new construction.
Discover the Contest Task in images by watching these videos. Read the description of the competition task to find out more about the places, the requirements and the judging criteria for the Architecture Student Contest 2025.
Previous task (WT 2024/25): Kashitu Secondary School Campus
INSPIRELI Kashitu architectural competition calls for innovative student
designs of the buildings in the Kashitu Secondary School Campus which
would push both architectural and technical boundaries of the current design
of a typical Zambian school.
This is a unique project of „Design and Build“ where the students get the
chance to build the school with their own hands.
The announcer of the competition is the Czech Technical University in Prague
with the support of Architects Without Borders.
Details: see Inspireli Awards webpage...
Previous task (ST 2023/24): Architecture for Recovery
Design of an utility building (community center, health center or kindergarten) or housing for settlements destroyed by war or natural disaster - for example, for the reconstruction of Ukraine. The emphasis is on flexibility, expandability, modularity, repeatability of the design, speed of construction, availability of resources, efficiency and autonomy of operation, long life and quality of the internal environment.We assume the use of recycled and natural materials, the application of the "3L" concept (low energy, long life, loose fit), multifunctional or adaptable use, construction efficiency and the greatest possible degree of autonomy in operation. It should not be a temporary emergency solution, but a high-quality and long-term sustainable architecture, ready to respond to changing needs or climate changes. We will choose a location preferably in Ukraine, whose restoration will be an important topic in the coming years, but we are looking for a concept that can be reused and adapted to different conditions.
ERASMUS and English-speaking students in our design studio:
WT 2024/25:
Giorgi Buachdze, EN; ... (waiting for you ;-)
ST 2023/24:
Bilge Bahar Saatci, EN; Giorgi Buachdze, EN; Diana Dobriian, erasmus; Sofiia
Kirova, erasmus;
WT 2023/24:
Gabriel Morell Julve, erasmus; Rodrigo Esteban Quintana, erasmus; Camille Moulard, erasmus; Sixtine Compin, erasmus;
ST 2022/23:
Oleksii Zolochevskyi EN
WT 2022/23:
Ricardo Manuel Abreu Ribeiro Faria, erasmus; Kateryna Belinska, erasmus; Hamza Kuruçay, erasmus; Oleksii Zolochevskyi EN;
ST 2021/22:
Mariia Pavlusenko, erasmus; Hugo Vanderheyden, erasmus; Elena Guardo Valdivielso, erasmus; Beatriz Madeira Duarte, erasmus; Madhu Sain, EN; Oleksii Zolochevskyi, EN
WT 2021/22:
Meyer, Kendra, erasmus; Neuner, Stefan, erasmus;
ST 2020/21:
Lucil Martins, erasmus; Silvia Viccari, erasmus; Mohammad Ali Rammazani, EN; Madhu Sain, EN
WT 2020/21:
Alexis Juan Santiago, erasmus; Madhu Sain, EN; Oleksii Zolochevskyi, EN
ST 2019/2020:
Mafalda Marques Melancia, erasmus; Diogo Maia Nunes, erasmus; Violette Feutry, erasmus; Arnaud Delvit, erasmus; Ana Rita Paes, erasmus; Olga Domalewska, erasmus
WT 2019/20:
Silke DeGreef, erasmus; Damien Nardeux, erasmus