Peter Mazalán, Milan Lukáč, Paulína Ebringerová, Eva Plotzeková, Michal Šuda, Monika Stacho
The research group focuses on a wide range of artistic practice, especially on the connection of visual arts to architecture. It examines various layers of intermediality in contemporary art and reflects its current trends. It also partially analyzes the influence of art in the field of architecture from the perspective of other sciences.
- Festival of contemporary Art in Bratislava, Biela Noc
- Slovak Arts Council, Ministry of Culture of SR, Tatra banka foundation, BRDS – The Bratislava Self-Governing Region
- EEA and Norway Grants
- KEGA Interdisciplinary approach to the protection of cultural and natural heritage
- Other international: Flowers for Slovakia
- Another domestic: Deposit of memories
- Level – project for the synagogue in Lučenec