Martin Uhrík, Ivor Mečiar, Vladimír Hain, Roman Hajtmanek, Radovan Pekník
The group members are primarily developing conceptual design skills massing of architecture using computer and digital (parametric) composition. Researchers are focusing on the modeling aspect of forms, possibilities of 3D printing or how to transform digital design into reality. Their outputs introduce the basic principles of 3D printing or how to create high quality 3D models for rapid prototyping. Main IT tools include SketchUp, Rhino, or any 3D modeling programs supporting export to STL files.
- STU as leader of Digital Coalition, OIKONET, OIKODOMOS I. a OIKODOMOS II .
- APVV: Solar potential of urbanized areas and its use in the Smart City concept (APVV-18-0044) /18.3.2019 – ongoing
- KEGA: Experience from natural laws to technology–- a project of informal interactive education of pupils and students stimulating interest in technology (038STU-4/2017) /1.1.2017 – 31.12.2019/
- System research concepts „URBAN WALK“ /15.9.2018 – 30.6.2019/