Zuzana Turlíková, Branislav Jelenčík, Tibor Antony, Marián Králik
Creativity, human-centered approach, critical thinking and complex problem-solving are key job skills in upcoming Industry 4.0. Design thinking embraces, offers and cultivates these strategic capabilities of the future. The research group focuses on enhancing the design process and focuses on implementing creative thinking principles as key methods and tools in the design process. The research group further examines also different design methodologies and new prototyping technologies, compares them and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and teamwork as key elements for innovation. With the broad expertise of its researchers with diverse yet complimentary backgrounds, the research team also predicts and anticipates society and world’s changes. Considering and evaluating the new learnings, it includes them into the design process reflecting the ongoing changes in the role of a designer in today’s society.
- Erasmus+ KA220-HED: CT.uni: Creative Thinking – Taking an Innovative and STEAM Approach for a Transdisciplinary University (1/5/2022 – 1/5/2025), approved. For more info about the project, click here.
- KEGA: Support of high quality education in an interdisciplinary environment by using modern didactic methodology and techniques, 2021 – 2023
- Many research projects are realized with private sector/authorities: Vectary Inc., Pontis foundation, Seesame s.r.o., Polytrade CE, Kodreta s.r.o., Benjamin button, s.r.o., e-Sense Slovakia, s.r.o., OMS, spol. s r.o., UNICEF
- Slovak Arts Council, Ministry of Culture of SR, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of SR, Visegrad Fund, OPENMAKER program, European Commission,
- VEGA: Research of progressive methods and means in production automation. 01/01/2013 – 31/12/2016
- KEGA: Introduction of progressive training methods for production systems focused on automotive production. 1.12017 – 31.12.2018
- Bilateral cooperation – SR – Austria: Improving the quality of production in selected applications. 01/01/2016 – 31/12/2017