Robert Špaček, Ján Legény, Peter Morgenstein, Julián Keppl, Klára Macháčová
The main focus of this research group is put on the relationship of architecture and environment. A couple of last years were devoted to the investigation of a solar access design while using the concept of solar envelope and also contemporary ITs as scripts and algorithms. Research group members are primarily focused on reduction of energy demands of buildings, even whole city districts or cities. The research is conducted in the field of energy cooperativeness, utilization of solar appliances as building integrated photovoltaic. The scope of the research is moving from the scale of the single building to complex systems – the city. All those interests are accompanied by research within urban democracy, urban decency, history of the city, smart cities and smart grids or by the concept of crime prevention through environmental design. The preservation and rescue of archaeological and historical monuments or investigating new methods in architectural education plays a specific role in the research.
- Architecture and town planning 2020 – heading towards nearly zero energy standard
- Translucent and transparent structures applied to architectural objects in specific conditions APVV – Bilateral cooperation. Principles of sustainability in the context of historical urban structures (SK-AT-2017-0014) /1.8.2018 – 31.12.2019/
- Solar potential of urbanized areas and its use in the Smart City concept(APVV-18-0044) /18.3.2019
- ODA, Slovak Aid. Safer Cities Education (121/09/2015) /1.10.2015 – 30.11.2016/
- Interreg Danube Transnational Programme (DTP). DANube Urban Brand /1.1.2017 – 30.6.2019/
- Prevention of crime through the creation of an environment (JLS/2007/ISE/CFPA/C1024) /1.1.2009 – 31.12.2010/