Ján Ilkovič, Ľubica Ilkovičová, Jozef Baláž, František Kalesný, Yakoub Meziani, Katarína Kujanová, Oľga Ivánková, Eva Vdolečková
The activity of the research team is focused on following fields: the symbiosis of a production and engineering buildings architecture and on the forming of sustainable, architectural structures. The content and the research direction stem from the long-term research group profile with focus on contemporary, intelligent, technology and material determinants in the design of specific building structures. The scope of the research expands on the Industry 4.0, smart concept of production complex and on the green industrial parks. Transformation of old industrial buildings and areas with preservation of their original identity is a relatively independent part of the team investigation. This issue generates a large database for creative approach in design methods. The important part of research team activity is the application of the new education methods, which encourages a sense for architecture and a creative factor in the architectural structure design from the concept up to the detail by means of didactic maquettes demonstrative modelling.
- State program: Architectural interventions for the city of Modra / Vision of revitalization. 15.1.2016 – 28.2.2017
- VEGA 1/2124/05 Interpretation of membrane structures in contemporary architectural work, 1.12.2005 – 31.12.2007
- KEGA: Penetrations in education within the REA network of schools, 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018