Head of the Institute
doc. Ing. arch. Eva Vojteková, PhD.
Ing.arch. Vladimír Hain, PhD., univ. doc.
Milada Kovácsová,
02 57276 452, 02 57276 343
Ing. arch. Andrej Alexy
Ing. arch. Michal Bogár, PhD.
doc. Ing. Mária Budiaková, PhD.
Ing. arch. Ing. Martin Dubiny, PhD.
Ing. arch. Vladimír Hain, PhD. univ. doc.
doc. Ing. arch. Ján Ilkovič , PhD.
doc. Ing. arch. Ľubica Ilkovičová, PhD.doc.
Ing. Dagmar Lavrinčíková, PhD.
Ing. arch. Eva Vojteková, PhD.
doc. Ing. Peter Roško, PhD.
Ing. Roman Rosina
Ing. Juraj Králik, PhD.
Ing. arch. Gabriela Rolenčíková
Ing. Michal Borovička
Ing. Luboš Agnet
PhD students:
Ing. arch. Veronika Blahunková
Ing. arch. Gabriela Rolenčíková
Ing. arch. Ivana Švecová
About the Institute
The Institute is covering the teaching and research activities aiming at materials in architecture, starting with the basic building components, continuing with building structures and their statics, physics, technical services, and finishing with design of structural systems. Here the experimental structural design is important. The research activities aim at mapping the progressive trends in building, theories of structural systems as well as architectural details. The Institute guarantees the subjects for all three of the study degrees.
Study Programme for the Bc, Ing.arch. and PhD Degrees
Bc Curriculum
Core of the teaching activities within the BSc study programme is co-ordination of the following subjects: Building Construction I – V, Building Statics I – II, Building Physics, Loadbearing Steel and Reinforced Concrete Constructions, and Technical Services in Buildings. Notable is the participation in the final BSc project.
Ing.arch. Curriculum
Core is the complex of technical skills and understanding of load bearing and building constructions, buildings’ technical services and equipment and their impact on architectural design.(Current trends in architectural structures.) Stressed is appropriate understanding of interior building environment so that they provide intellectual welfare, healthy environment, harmony (light and sound in architecture), and climatic protection, as well as appropriate understanding of materials and technologies, important for the fully realised structures (Energy efficiency is a core followed aspect.) Studio and diploma projects are aimed at search for inventive and technically well based design, clever structural solution, and for application of progressive structural systems.
Core Subjects and Their Characteristics
Structural solutions are an inherent part of architectural design. Complex understanding of tectonic aspects, together with materials, technologies and other components of architectural design are a requirement for an effective teaching process. The subject of building construction is understood as an art to build, that means, through optimal material selection and optimal structural form meet the area and functional requirements. Therefore, the building construction process is understood as a creative process running throughout the process of architectural design. Apart from the basics of the building construction subject, its principles and technology methods, the Institute participates on the studio designs of all other Institutes or departments by its progressive constructions’ development for all types of designed structures.
Science and Research
Grant projects VEGA
KALESNÝ, František (project manager) - TUŽINSKÝ, Imrich (deputy project manager) et al.: Interpretation of Membrane Structures in Today’s Architecture. VEGA No.1/2124/05. 2004-2006. Bratislava.
TUŽINSKÝ, Imrich, (project manager) et al.: Factors of Lowering the Energy Demand and their Quantification in the Process of Structure Revitalisation. VEGA No. 1/2121/05. 2005-2007. Bratislava.
In 2005, Prof. Ing. I. Tužinský, PhD., Ing. D. Lavrinčíková and Ing. A. Iringová, PhD. prepared two teaching materials: Building Construction I (Staviteľstvo I, Návody na cvičenia z predmetu) (FOLDER 04: STAVITELSTVO 1) and Building Physics I. (Návody na cvičenia z predmetu). (FOLDER 05: STAV.FYZIKA 1)
SIVÁK, Štefan: Facades of the current structures in the world as notable determinants. In: Fasády. Revue časopisu Střechy, fasády, izolace. - ISSN 1214-4592. - Vol. 3, No. 1(2005), p. 44-46.
Conference Proceedings
Conference proceedings from 3rd international conference Progressive Constructions. STU Bratislava, FA, Kočovce, 4.5. - 6.5. 2005. - ISBN 80-227-2215-4.
2nd international scientific conference Progressive Constructions organised by the Institute 5.- 6. May 2004 in Kočovce.
Participating were the professionals from Czech Republic (VUT Brno, ČVUT Prague) and Austria (Technische Universität Wien). The Lectures were published in proceedings.
TUŽINSKÝ, Imrich et al.: Exhibition of students´ architectural competition Low-energy demand house. The FA Entrance hall. 16.5.-20.5. 2005. (FOLDER 08: NED SUTAZ)
TUŽINSKÝ, Imrich – VOJTEKOVÁ, Eva: Exhibition of competition designs by students of the 4th school year: Aluminium and Glass in Architecture – Shipyard Zlaté Piesky, Bratislava. Foyer on the 1st floor of the FA building. 31. 5. – 3. 6. 2005. (FOLDER 09: HUECK SUTAZ)
Student Exhibitions
The Institute, together with partners, declares two nationwide student competitions every year. The competitions are aimed at progressive structural systems in architecture. The competitions are participated by students from Slovak high schools with architectural and artistic orientation.
In 2004/2005, the first year of the competition Environment and Detail was organised by the Institute together with Dirickx, and BC Torsion companies. The topic of the competition (from 22.10. 2004 to 20.1.2005) was the solution of the Church Area in Devín. 10 participating design projects were accepted. The First Prize was not awarded. The two second Prizes were awarded to FA students Andrej Maciak and Andrej Serafín.
The competing projects were exhibited from 31.1. to 7. 2.2005 in FA foyer. (folder: dirickx)
Other student competitions were: Low-energy Demand Buildings and the architectural competition Shipyard Zlaté Piesky in Bratislava, organised by ÚKA and Hueck system, s. r. o. This competition was organised as part of the Aluminium in Architecture activities.