Banská Štiavnica in the Renaissance and Baroque period – TRUSSES
Banská Štiavnica, September 29 – October 5, 2024
Organized by:
Faculty of Architecture and Design of STU in Bratislava, Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Restoration of Monuments
In cooperation with:
- UNESCO chair for the Restoration and Presentation of Architectural Heritage at SUT in Bratislava
- SUT Faculty of Civil Engineering (Department of Architecture and Department of Geodesy)
- Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Art History
- University of Žilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Žilina
- United School of S. Mikovíni, Banská Štiavnica
- Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic
- ProMonumenta, Banská Štiavnica workplace
- Slovak Mining Archive Banská Štiavnica
- Banská Bystrica Regional Office of the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic
- Prešov Regional Office of the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic
- Žilina Regional Office of the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic
- Fi Obnova, sro Banská Štiavnica
- City of Banská Štiavnica
- Roman Catholic Church, Banská Štiavnica, parish
In cooperation and with the participation of foreign universities:
- Faculty of Philosophy of Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic
- Faculty of Architecture CTU in Prague, Czech Republic
- University of Applied Sciences: Faculty of Architecture and Design Hochschoole, Wismar, Germany
- Faculty of Architecture Skopje, Macedonia
- Faculty of Architecture Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Implemented with the support of Erasmus+ BIP;
- KEGA No. 036STU-4/2022 "Monumental research and the possibilities of its use in the conditions of the Slovak/Technical University"
- KEGA No. 007STU-4/2023 " An interdisciplinary approach to the digitization of critically endangered heritage objects in Banská Štiavnica"
- supported by S E C A
Context of the theoretical part of the workshop – colloquium:
The international and multidisciplinary workshop for students of relevant fields in the protection of architectural heritage follows on from previous research into the urban and architectural development of Banská Štiavnica. In April 2023, a fire occurred in Banská Štiavnica, which destroyed precious wooden trusses, ceilings, windows and doors on six buildings listed as a monuments in the centre of Banská Štiavnica. We realized how fragile and endangered their wooden structures and details are. During the Autumn University of Architecture in 2023, we therefore started documenting and researching late-Gothic, Renaissance and Renaissance-Baroque wooden ceilings. During this year's international workshop, we want to focus attention on historical trusses. Banská Štiavnica and its surroundings are still a source for the study, survey, and research of historic roofs (the oldest roof at the St. Catherine's Church from 1655, the roof at the Evangelical Church from 1796, the Limpacher house from 1732, the "Haas Hause", the truss on the church in Banská Bela and many rare hand-drawn trusses from 18th and the 19thcentury).
The aim of the workshop is to survey and to document the selected trusses and to make models out of some of them. In order to provide theoretical knowledge and motivate the participants and for further research, we consider it necessary to collect the previous knowledge in the theoretical part of the workshop.
Aims of the theoretical part: How does research and protection of historic trusses fit into monument (architectural-historical) research?; Historical development and features of trusses from individual periods of age (Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, 19th century); Methodology of truss research (what should be noticed and documented about them)? What is the methodology of their protection; What are the possibilities of their documentation? What are the risks and how to eliminate threats related to the current use of historic buildings? What are the related scientific disciplines -- building physics, statics, dendrology, dendrochronology, etc.
The workshop has two main goals:
1./ To provide international participants with expanded and deeper knowledge in the field of protection of historical heritage and its constructions;
2./ Survey and documention of historical trusses in Banská Štiavnica.
ERAZMUS+ BIP Participants:
Introductory ON-LINE MEET: September 20, 2024 at 13:00
Post ON-LINE MEET: October 11, 2024 at 13:00
LINK for ON LINE presentations:
SUNDAY, Sept 29/2024
14:00 -- Beginning of the workshop, FAD STU, Radničné nám. 2, Banská Štiavnica
14:15 – 16:00 EXCURSION – historical center of Banská Štiavnica, Old Castle
Topic I: Historical context
16:30 – 18:00 Lectures (Rubigall, lecture hall in the attic)
- Renaissance and Baroque period - historical context of the time. (Peter Buday, FF UK Bratislava) - Building culture in the art of the old masters (Iveta Chovanová, Banská Štiavnica) - Banská Štiavnica – World Heritage Site and a Protected Cultural Landscape (Martin Horáček, UP Olomouc)
MONDAY, Sept 30/2024
Topic II: Historical trusses - overview and research
9:00 – 10:30 Lectures (Rubigall, lecture hall in the attic) - Structural and typological development of trusses from the Middle Ages to the 20th century (Ľubor Suchý) - Wooden historical structures as part of architectural and historical research (Magdaléna Kvasnicová, Pavol Pauliny, SvF KA STU and FAD STU)
10:30 – 12:00 – Explanation of assignments and creation of working groups
13:00 – 15:00 EXCURSION 1/ Church of St. Kataríny (Ďurian, Šimkovic), 2/Radnica (Hrčka), 3/ Radničné nám. 16 (Suchý)
15:00 – 17:00 Lectures (Rubigall, lecture hall in the attic) - Methodology of learning and researching historical trusses (Ľubor Suchý, KPÚ Prešov)
17:30 – 18:30 – Preparation of materials for assignments, lay out, sites visits, etc. (FAD STU, Radničné nám. 2)
TUESDAY, Oct 1/2024
Topic III: Documentation of historical trusses and related research
9:00 – 9:30 Lectures (Rubigall, lecture hall in the attic) - Documentation by geodetic methods (Marek Fraštia/ Marián Marčiš, SvF STU)
10:00 – 12:00 EXCURSION 1/ Nám. St. Trojice 5 (Suchý), 2/ Sládkoviča 2 (Ďurian), 3/ Starozámocká 9 (Hrčka) + Explanation of assignments on site (by leaders of the working group)!
13:00 – 15:00 Work on assignments – Measurements and documentation on site
15:00 – 17:00 Lectures (Rubigall, lecture hall in the attic)
Related scientific disciplines in truss research:
- Statics (Lucia Majtánová, Civil Engeneering faculty Slovak University of Technology) – on-line - Dendrology (Zuzana Vidholdová, Technical University Zvolen) - Dendrochronology (Mojmír Choma, ADendro, Slovakia)
WEDNESDAY, Oct 2/2024
9:00 – 10:00 Lectures (Rubigall, lecture hall in the attic) - Research methods – territorial mapping of historic trusses - Research of historical proportions and historical measures. Regional structural influences (Peter Krušinský, žilina University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Žilina)
10:00 – 12:00 EXCURSION 1/ Under the Red Well 1/Pod Červenou studňou 1 (Nižňanský); 2/ Mining Academy in the Botanical Garden (Meszáros); 3/ A. Kmeťa 10 (Hrčka, Kašiarová)
12:00 – 15:00 Work on assignments (FAD STU radničné nám. 2)
Topic IV: Risks and threats to trusses in the current requirements of the use of historic buildings
15:00 – 17:00 Lectures (Rubigall, lecture hall in the attic)
- Presentation of the SECA company (Branislav Vozár, SECA company)
- Risks and threats of wooden structures from the point of view of building physics (Kire Stavrov, Donau University of Krems, FA Skopje, Macedonia); - Using attics in Banská Štiavnica: practical experience (Ľuba Paučulová, Viktor Kačmár – fi Traditional House Banská Štiavnica)
18:00 – 20:00 – Consultation of working groups; work on assignments (detached FAD STU workplace)
Thursday, Oct 3/2024
9:00 – 10:00 EXCURSION – Historical documents of trusses, Slovak Mining Archive (Peter Konečný, Slovak Mining Archive, Town Hall Square 16)
10:00 – 12:00 Work on assignments in the studio or measurements in situ (FAD STU Radničné nám. 2)
Topic V: Case Studies
15:00 – 17:00 Lectures (Rubigall, lecture hall in the attic)
- Research of wooden fortified churches in Transylvania (Imola Kirizsin, Civil Engineering faculty University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania) - Forsthaus/ Fortified houses in Pöllwitz, Germany (Philipp Richter, Faculty of Architecture Wismar)
Friday, Oct 4/ 2024
From 09:00 – Work on assignments in groups, Consultations, adjustment
From 15:00 – lay out of posters and preparing for printing
Saturday, Oct 5/ 2024
12:00 – 17:00 – Installation of the exhibition
- Preparation of presentations of working groups for PUBLIC PRESENTATION and EXHIBITION (Rubigal's attic hall)
- 17:00 – 19:00 – Opening of the exhibition and presentation of the results of the workshop to the public (Rubigal's attic hall)
19:00 – 20:00 – Buffet and common PHOTO
Sunday, Oct 6/ 2024
Up to 10:00 – Departure of participants
1./ Excursions:
- Church of St. Kataríny (1655) – Karol Ďurian, Michal Šimkovic
- Limpacher's house (1732) – Ľubor Suchý
- Town hall no. 16 (Slovak Mining Archive) – Ľubor Suchý
- City Hall and Starozámocká 9 – Michal Hrčka
- Under the Red Well 1 – Peter Nižňanský
- A. Kmeťa 10 (house of S. Mikovíni) – Anežka Kašiarová, Michal Hrčka
- Church in Ilija; Old castle, Dominican church in BŠ, mansion of St. Anton, New Castle - Adriana Reťkovská - only for art historians
- Dominican Church in BŠ - Lydka Budayová, Adriana Reťkovská - only for art historians
- Church of the Virgin Mary in the Old Castle – Adriana Reťkovská, Lydka Budayová - only for art historians
2./ Research and documentation of historical trusses:
Church of St. Catherine, Nám. sv. Trojice 5, Pod Červenou studňou 1, Starozámocká 9, Radničné nám. 16, Radničné nám. 7, Sládkoviča 2
- a) Geodetic methods (G) (Marián Marčiš/ Marek Fraštia, Dalibor Kostra)
- b) Architectural methods (A) – design principles, details of carpentry joints, carpentry marks, traces of tools, decorations, written references, etc.
Architectural groups 1 – 6 are led by: Ivko Málek and Kire Stavrov, Viktor Kačmár and Ivan Šiška, Katka Urgelová and Denisa Kyselicová, Zuzana Holičková and Anežka Kašiarová, Katka Terao Vošková and Martin Bumbál)
- c) Art historical methods – written references, historical context, historical development of the building, carpenter's marks, decorative elements, written sources, historical images, etc. (led by Martin Horáček, Adriana Reťkovská, Lýdia Budayová)
3./ Documentation of selected trusses:
A/ Details from the Church of St. Kataríny – Architect. group no. 1 (leaders: Katka Terao Vošková and Martin Bumbál) + Art historian group. No. 1
B/ Limpacher's house – geodetic group + Architectural group no. 2 (leaders: Viktor Kačmár and Ivan Šiška) + Art historian group No. 2
C/ A. Kmeťa 10 (S. Mikovíni's house) – Architect. group no. 3 (leaders: Anežka Kašiarová and Zuzana Holičková) + Art historian group No. 3
D/ Town Hall Sq. 7 (Dutková) – Architect. group no. 4 (Ivko Málek and Kire Stavrov) + art. group 1
E/ Starozámocká 9 – Geodetic group + Archit. Group no. 5 (led by: Dalibor Kostra (G); Katka Urgelová and Denisa Kyselicová (A))
F/ Town Hall Sq. 16 – Geodetic group + Architect. group No. 6 (lead by: Viktor Kačmár and Ivan Šiška) + Art historian group No. 2
G/ Sládkoviča 2 (Monarchia) – Geodetic group (led by: Marek Fraštia/ Marián Marčiš)
H/ Under the Red Well 1 – Geodetic group (led by: Fraštia / Marčiš)
4./ Processing of models (parts/sequences) of selected historical trusses (leader: Marcel Mészáros; consultation: Andrea Nižňanská)
(1) Church of St. Catherine, (2) Sv. Trojice 5 Sq. (Limpacher House), (3) Starozámocká 9, (4) Sv. Trojice Sq. 4 (former Art School).
Lecturers and assistant lecturers:
- Zuzana Holičková, architect
- Lýdia Budayová, architect
- Denisa Kyselicová. architect
- Ivan Málek, architect, PhD. student
- Viktor Kačmár, architect
- Anežka Kašiarová, an engineer ach. PhD. student
- Katka Urgelová, architect
- Marcel Mészáros, architect, pedagogue
- Dalibor Kostra, an engineer of geodesy, pedagogue
- Andrea Nižňanská, architect
- Adriana Reťkovská, art historian
- Július Lišaník, architect
- Lukáš Rohárik, photo and video-documentation
- Michal Babiak, online transmissions coordinator
- Mária Páleníková, Erazmus program coordinator
- Anna Karacsonyová, economy administration
- Kristína Baňáková, economy administration
- Jozefa Farbiaková, Eva Baranyaiová – technical stuff on site