TU Graz pripravila na november študentský workshop o systémových udržateľných riešeniach pre benátsku lagúnu:
The Institute for Architecture und Landscape at the Graz University of Technology proudly announces the:
International Student Workshop
"EMERGING REALITIES - Systemic Design for the Venetian Lagoon"
Nov 11-18, 2012
at the 13th International Architecture Exhibition_la Biennale di Venezia!
"The workshop participants will not only be introduced to systemic design
The one week workshop will be completed by lectures and discussions with international guests and the results will be presented at the Biennale di Venezia. "
"EMERGING REALITIES“ - Systemic Design for the Venetian Lagoon
JOHN THAKARA RCA London (journalist, design researcher, innovation design expert; „doors of perception“) ALDO CIBIC Hon.Prof. IUAV Venice, Tongji University Shanghai (designer, „Microrealities“) KLAUS K. LOENHART Univ.Prof. TU Graz, München (architect, landscape architect, terrain: landscape urbanism; LANDLAB) assisted by GIULIA MAZZORIN Venice (architect, urbanist, researcher) ANDREA CURTONI Milan (architect, independent researcher) (further guest speakers to be announced soon)
In the pursuit of the most prized commodities of our time - energy and food - the VENICE EMERGING REALITIES workshop envisions the Venice Lagoon archipelago as a prototype for a future metropolitan regional system. At this moment in time, when the modern myth of unlimited growth reveals visible cracks, a new productive landscape, capable of supporting a regional community is thought to establish an integrated and environmentally stable system that builds upon existing biodiversity, cultural practice and production.
With interdisciplinary lectures, presentations and concentrated teamwork, students from all over the world will be introduced to the quest for an architecture and design process of systemic thinking.
Within this proposed systemic scenario, the Lagoon becomes a vast working resource in which eco-systems, local food production, energy cycles, and human activities energetically and environmentally are self-sustaining. Natural processes, human activity and technology then interact, giving opportunity to restore, renew, and reconnect.
Within a one week workshop we will develop hybrid architectures beyond the vast separation of the modern world. In combining regional cultural practice and renewable energy production with local food supply, students will be introduced to this integral design approach, leading to a new set of hybrid architectural typologies. In applying specific architectural techniques on mapping these
interactions, students will learn how to address and integrate many layers of our complex world.
EMERGING REALITIES thus attempts to focus on local specifi city, on inventiveness and on a newly defined role of systemic thinking to render architecture and landscape as key disciplines to envision this future cultural practice.
Architecture and Landscape Architecture students of master or high advanced bachelor level are welcome to join this inquiry for a more inclusive architecture that prepares for complex design challenges to come.
Further information: www.ial.tugraz.at
Institute for Architecture und Landscape
Graz Technical University
Technikerstraße 4/V
A - 8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 316 873 6310
Fax.: +43 316 873 6809
Mail: ial@tugraz.at