Izmo Summer School 2011
Izmo Summer School 2011 - Public Spaces in the City - Torino, Italy
Main information
What: Summer School
Topic: Public Spaces in the City
When: September 5th - 14th, 2011
Where: Torino, Italy
Hours: 9:30am - 8:30pm
How: Lectures, Design Workshop, Installation in the Public Space
Organization: Izmo
cultural association in partnership with Politecnico di Torino (Second
School of Architecture) and St. John International University
Fee: 490€ until August 1st || 550€ until August 22nd
Izmo has organized an International Summer School in Torino from Septembe
The registration fee is set at € 490 for students who submit their
application by 1 August 2011 or € 550 for students who submit their
application no later than August 22, 2011.
The lectures (entirely in English language) will be held by professors of the Politecnico di Torino, University of Eastern Piedmont and St. John International University, as well as members of Izmo, and will face issues related to public space with the aim of providing insights in a broad and multidisciplinary manner. In addition, students will have the opportunity to directly experience several methods of field research (urban drift, urban missions, interviews) that will allow them to observe and make contact with the territory and its inhabitants.
Finally, the training will be enriched by a series of meetings with experts and professionals: informal moments during which students will have the opportunity to interact and engage with those who work in the public space, such as members of Izmo.
At the end of the lecture series, participants will intervene effectively in the public space, designing and implementing a series of installations, parts of an overall project for the redevelopment of District 7 in Turin. Each student will have a budget of 50 euros for the purchase of materials, while Izmo will provide the tools needed and work alongside students in every phase of the design studio.
Participants of the Summer School will be awarded 3 credits,
recognized by the Politecnico di Torino or by the St. John
International University, transferable to any other university (with
ECTS in Europe).
In addition, participants will receive ongoing support with regard to
logistics, the search for accommodations, transportation and tourism.
For any further information, please visit the web site: http://www.izmo.it/Web/
Izmo was
established in 2006 in Turin, Italy. The association focuses on
participatory process, local development, architecture, design and ICT.
name Izmo originates from the word isthmus, a thin line of land that
joins two areas. Our research topic is in fact the territory: where
interactions take place between public space and individuals. Our
mission is to link the territories, the people with the land and the
citizens with each other.
We do this, for instance, through projects of urban design,
installation; organization of seminars, meetings and workshops; and
developing of Web platforms. In all cases, the projects designed by Izmo
come from reading and from listening to people and places that will
benefit from our operations.
Izmo cultural association
FitzLab - Via Aosta, 8 - 10152 - Torino - Italy