dovolujeme si Vám poslat informace o letní škole v Číně, kterou pravidelně pořádá několik evropských univerzit (v čele s milánskou alma mater) ve spolupráci s čínskými vysokými školami.
Tématy letní školy 2013 jsou Klimatické změny a ochrana životního prostředí a Práva spojená s duševním vlastnictvím v Číně. K účasti na letní škole se mohou přihlásit jak studenti, tak profesionálové.
V minulých letech letní školu absolvovali studenti právnických fakult, humanitních oborů (filosofie, sociologie, politologie, mezinárodní vztahy...), přírodních věd (včetně oborů ekologie a ochrana životního prostředí a také chemici a biologové) i technických oborů. Přednášející pocházejí jak z oblasti akademické (jedná se o přední evropské a čínské profesory), tak i z praxe (představitelé mezinárodních vládních i nevládních organizací, činitelé z Evropské delegace, zahraničních obchodních komor v Číně, zástupci podniků a firem...).
Letní škola současně nabízí také platformu, díky níž se setkávají účastníci z Evropy, Afriky a Číny, a vyměňují si zkušenosti, navazují kontakty atd. Část frekventantů programu tvoří pravidelně také profesionálové, kteří přicházejí z praxe (VŠ učitelé, kteří si chtějí rozšířit znalosti; odborníci z nevládních organizací, z průmyslového sektoru a státní správy; novináři zabývající se problematikou klimatických změn & obnovitelné energie & duševního vlastnictví & nových ekonomik).
Rádi bychom Vás touto cestou požádali o doručení informací studentům. V minulosti se letní školy účastnilo i několik studentů ze Střední a Středo-východní Evropy. Rádi bychom ale v řadách participantů přivítali více účastníků ze zmíněných zemí, aby bylo spektrum studentů pestřejší a pro ně samotné zajímavější.
Vzhledem ke svému multi-disciplinárnímu zaměření je LŠ určená budoucím (i současným) právníkům, ekonomům, odborníkům v oblasti společenských věd (politologie, mezinárodní vztahy, teritoriální vztahy), ale i technikům a odborníkům v oblasti přírodních věd a ekologie. Naši panelisté a vyučující pocházejí z oborů napříč spektrem a Letní škola je multidisciplinární.
Díky účasti na LŠ mají absolventi, vedle mnoha dalších služeb, asistencí a výhod, automaticky nárok získat stáž v kancelářích mezinárodních organizací a institucí, zastupitelských úřadech EU, obchodních komorách, či zahraničních firmách a mezinárodních advokátních kancelářích v Evropě a Číně.
Níže v těle tohoto e-mailu najdete informace od hlavního koordinátora LŠ, včetně Brožury a informací, jak se přihlásit k účasti na LŠ. Věnujte prosím pozornost připojeným PDF souborům.
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tým letní školy “SICCEP and IP China Summer School 2013”
The Deadline for the application to the Summer School in China 2013 is scheduled on MARCH 25, 2013
To download the brochure (PDF file) : Brochure Summer Institute in China – Deadline March 25 2013 FINAL
To download the call for applications (PDF file) : SUMMER INSTITUTE IN CHINA 2013 – Deadline March 25, 2013
To download the call for applications (Word file): SUMMER INSTITUTE IN CHINA 2013 – Deadline March 25, 2013
Queries can be addressed to : summerlawinstitutesuzhou@
The Edition 2013 of the Summer School in China – Executive Education Training Program coordinated by the Chair of International Trade Law within the Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law at University of Milan (Italy), the Chair of Chinese Law within the Department of Law at University of Turin (Italy) and Edge Hill University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Law & Criminology (United Kingdom) will be held at Peking University School of Government in Beijing (China) from the 6th July to the 3rd August 2013 (SICCEP and IP-China) or from the 20th July to the 17th August (IP-China and SICCEP).
The first curriculum is called “Summer Institute on Climate Change and Environmental Protection” (SICCEP) or more precisely Law, Policy, Economics and Technology on Climate Change and Environmental issues: European and Chinese Perspectives. It addresses issues such as energy policies, environment law and sustainable development, intellectual property and technology innovation. The second curriculum is called “Summer Institute on Intellectual Property Rights and China” (IP-China). The participants will decide to enroll in all the scheduled courses and seminars will receive the certificates for both curricula. It is an innovative program that takes into account the training demands of young professionals on these issues, drawing on relevant curricula received from international organizations and the private sector representatives.
The summer program has also a third and fourth term but just with one curriculum and two week program: from the 20th July to the 3rd August (IP-China) and from the 3rd to the 17th August 2013 (SICCEP). The third and fourth terms are mostly addressed to professionals who can not invest more than two weeks in China. By the way, for having a deeper understanding of such a country like China one month is the length more commonly suggested. The professionals who attend one curriculum during the edition 2012 will have special access to the second curriculum on the following edition 2013.
Both the curricula have been approved by the Italian National Bar Association (Rome) with 24 credits valid for lawyers and practicing lawyers.
For undergraduate and graduate students, based on the number of hours of lecturers, preparatory academic materials and practical activities, this one month summer school can be considered equivalent to a specialization or master program of at least one semester.
This program was originally organized by University of Milan, Department Public, Civil Procedure International and European Law since year 2006. According to the vision of the Scientific Director and Program Co-ordinator, from the first edition up to the present, the structure of the program has developed and changed dramatically to keep the program always up-to-date and at the highest academic and professional standards. Since year 2010, the main organizers of the program are the Chair of International Trade Law of University of Milan, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law, the Chair of Chinese law of University of Turin, Department of Law and, since year 2012, Edge Hill University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Law & Criminology (United Kingdom) in partnership with Lund University Faculty of Political Sciences in Sweden, University of Provence Aix Marseille I – CNRS Centre of Comparative Epistemology and Ergology in France and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in Spain.
From the edition 2011, two institutions have been affiliated to the summer program: University of Eastern Piedmont Faculty of Economics in Italy, University of Pavia, Faculty of Law in Italy. From the edition 2012, three other institutions have joined the program: Catholic University of Milan Faculty of Law, University of Insubria (Como) Faculty of Law in Italy and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in Spain. From the Edition 2013, Edge Hill University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Law & Criminology in United Kingdom and Istanbul Sehir University in Turkey joined the program. (See: http://paolofarah.
The summer course will include the following topics:
1) Introduction to Chinese Law, Institutions & Politics (20h) SICCEP and IP-CHINA
2) Global Environmental Governance (14h) SICCEP
3) Environment, Science and Society: a Philosophical Introduction (14h) SICCEP
4) Law, Policy and Economics on Climate Change (14h) SICCEP
5) Introduction to Chinese Intellectual Property Law and Technology Transfer (20h) IP-CHINA
6) European American and Chinese Approaches to Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Policy (20h) IP-CHINA
7) Governance of Energy Transitions: Towards Low-Carbon, Sustainable Society
Then there will be also other courses on IP law taught in the afternoon period based on the number of students that enroll with seminars developed to favor the interaction among the participants and professors, as well as cooperation amongst students of different nationalities.
In addition to traditional lectures, all summer schools provide a number of presentations and round tables involving experts of Chinese law, politics and culture, environment, sustainable development and intellectual property as well as experts in the specific themes covered by the different classes (for a complete list of the events held during the Summer School Edition 2011, please see below in this page). The participants will attend at least 60 hours par curriculum (for a total amount of 120 hours for both curricula).
A part from the lectures and formal classes, during the 2010 and 2011 editions held in Beijing, the following provided contributions to the program: Officials of the State Copyright Agency and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of China; Officials from the Trade & Commercial Office of the Italian Embassy in Beijing; Italian Institute of Culture in Beijing, Chiomenti Law Firm in Beijing, Franzosi dal Negro Pensato Setti, Attorneys at Law, Beijing; Intesa San Paolo, Chief Representantive Beijing; IPR Desk in Beijing (Italian Trade Commission Beijing Branch); Officials of the European Union Delegation in Beijing; Officials from the European Commission IPR2 program; Secretary, Low Carbon Growth, British Embassy Beijing; PRC State Administration for Industry & Commerce (AIC); ORBEO China (subsidiary of Société Générale Corporate & Investment Banking Commodities and Rhodia Energy Services), Baker & McKenzie Law Firm (Beijing Office).
The participants of the last two editions 2011 and 2012 came from Italy, Spain, China, Canada, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Liberia, Botswana, Uganda, Rwanda, Pakistan, Comores, Togo, Central African Republic, Mali, Sri Lanka
The summer program includes also a broad offer of internships in China and in Europe for the participants and eventually job offers for the professionals and executive participants. The participants in the summer programs are presented with an internship program in China, Europe and other countries we have signed ad hoc agreements with. It should be noted that, in the past years, Summer School participants who requested an internship were always able to get one and have undertaken internships at institutions like the European Union Delegation in Beijing, European Commission in Brussels, IPR Desk in Beijing (Italian Trade Commission Beijing Branch), Italian Chamber of Commerce in China (CCIC) in Beijing, Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) in Bruxelles, AXA MPS in Dublin; Franzosi dal Negro Pensato Setti, Attorneys at Law, Milan Branch; Studio Legale Lega Colucci, Milan Branch; Milan Chamber of Commerce in Milan, Orrick Law Firm in Milan; S.J Berwin LLP; Nunziante Magrone Law Firm; the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy of Berlin.
At the end of the summer program, further opportunities will be offered to the best participants such as academic research fellowships in the framework of collaborative research projects.
Individual mentoring to prepare the interviews and the applications (review of the CVs, motivation letters and essays) will be also provided. The edition 2011 had scheduled mock interviews and a real job fair/interviews by the coordinator and the teaching assistants. For the edition 2012 the organizers are planning similar events and trainings. Since the very first edition of the Summer Schools in China (which was held in 2006), all the participants of the previous and new editions are part of a network (Alumni) and keep receiving internships or job offers on a weekly/monthly basis
To download the brochure (PDF file) : Brochure Summer Institute in China – Deadline March 25 2013 FINAL
To download the call for applications (PDF file) : SUMMER INSTITUTE IN CHINA 2013 – Deadline March 25, 2013
To download the call for applications (Word file): SUMMER INSTITUTE IN CHINA 2013 – Deadline March 25, 2013
Queries can be addressed to : summerlawinstitutesuzhou@
11th July 2011
Jesus Romero Fernandez
Delegation of the European Union to China
Trademark and Design in the European Union
Moderator: Paolo Farah
University of Turin, Department of Law
University of Milan, Department of Public, Civil Procedure, International and European Law
Summer School Scientific Director
12th July 2011
Round Table : Intellectual Property & Intangibles as Key Business Tools in China for Italian Companies
Giovanni De Sanctis
Head IPR Desk, Italian Trade Commission, Beijing
“The IPR Desk activity”
Carlo Pandolfi
IPR2 Team Leader
“How to make best use of China’s National IPR Strategy”
Sergio Bertasi
Intesa San Paolo, Chief Representantive Beijing
“Role of intangibles in Italian companies’ investments in China. The Bank’s perspective”
Davide Follador
Franzosi dal Negro Pensato Setti, Attorneys at Law, Beijing
“Enforcement of well known brands in China/IP enforcement strategies”
Moderator: Paolo Farah
University of Turin, Department of Law
University of Milan, Department of Public, Civil Procedure, International and European Law
Summer School Scientific Director
13th July 2011
Barbara Alighiero
Italian Institute of Culture in Beijing
The Concept of Culture in Ancient and Contemporary China
Moderator: Paolo Farah
University of Turin, Department of Law
University of Milan, Department of Public, Civil Procedure, International and European Law
Summer School Scientific Director
15th July2011
Johan Vandromme,
Delegation of the European Union to China
The Relations Between EC Competition Law and Intellectual Property Law
Moderator : Paolo Farah
University of Turin, Department of Law
University of Milan, Department of Public, Civil Procedure, International and European Law
Summer School Scientific Director
19th July2011
Benoit Misonne
IPR2 Project Advisor
Protection of Copyrights and Related Rights in the Digital Age
Moderator : Paolo Farah
University of Turin, Department of Law
University of Milan, Department of Public, Civil Procedure, International and European Law
Summer School Scientific Director
22th July 2011
Vivian WU
Associate in Baker & McKenzie Law Firm (BeijingOffice)
New York Bar and Chinese Bar
Specialized in M&A, corporate compliance, dispute resolution, environment and climate change
Title: Chinese Company Law and Practice Related to International Trade & Investment
26th July 2011
Fulvio Bartolucci
General Manager
Pre-Durban Update on Carbon Markets: Thermodynamics or Complexity Theory?
Moderator: Paolo Farah
University of Turin, Department of Law
University of Milan, Department of Public, Civil Procedure, International and European Law
Summer School Scientific Director
Note: Orbeo is a subsidiary of Société Générale Corporate & Investment Banking Commodities and Rhodia Energy Services
29th July 2011, 2:00-4:00pm
LI Xun
PRC State Administration for Industry & Commerce (AIC)
Senior Examiner TRAB (China Trademark Review and Adjudication Board)
Ph.D. (Renmin University of China), LLM (Renmin University of China)
Specialized in Trademark Application Examination, Trademark review, Well-Known Trademark Protection
Title: Recognition and Protection of Well-Known Trademarks in China
29th July 2011, 11:00-12:30 am
First Secretary, Low Carbon Growth
British EmbassyBeijing
Title: UK Policies on Tackling Climate Change – Domestically and Internationally
“Trade Relations with China: Competition or Collaboration?”
Counsellor, Trade and Commercial Affairs
Italian Embassy in Beijing
Gianluca D’AGNOLO
CHIOMENTI Studio Legale
University of Turin, Department of Law
University of Milan, Department of Public, Civil Procedure, International and European Law
Summer School Scientific Director
To download the brochure (PDF file) : Brochure Summer Institute in China – Deadline March 25 2013 FINAL
To download the call for applications (PDF file) : SUMMER INSTITUTE IN CHINA 2013 – Deadline March 25, 2013
To download the call for applications (Word file): SUMMER INSTITUTE IN CHINA 2013 – Deadline March 25, 2013
Queries can be addressed to : summerlawinstitutesuzhou@